This is our final newsletter for 2020. Namaste and Tashi Delek on behalf of all the Maitri-Griha family. Here we have made a short report of Maitri-Griha, what we have done in Pandemic (Covid 19) and about Maitri-Griha project activities, children and their situation. As we all know 2020 was really hard time for all of us. Since March 2020, we closed our day care home (Maitri-Griha).
School activities were not there but maintaining social distance we were often in contact with the children, either delivering Food supplement or task for them at home. Corona virus take life of people but in the context of Nepal. Many families were running out of basic food supplement at home, this was happening to the family of Maitri-Griha’s children and staff as well. There for we are greatly thankful for our Sponsors, Donors, friends and well-wisher for your great support. MG project, Never ever before have thought about sack of rice, dal so deeply. Fear of infecting from Corona virus and dying is one thing, other bigger, worst fear is dying of hunger. Your each and every support has helped many people to think of you and of course Maitri-Griha.
Maitri Griha Activities
As we have mentioned above, that Maitri-Griha was closed from March 2020 and still we do not know when it will reopen. Maitri-Griha looks beautiful with children playing and sharing their love with friends, staffs. Now it’s empty and we miss the fun and smiles of children at Maitri-Griha, so sad to see this, we all know that we are powerless in front of this virus. We just can pray and hope for better tomorrow. Also this is the time that we all really have to be careful and be safe. Even though our children are not at day care center Maitri-Griha, it doesn’t mean that we are away or not caring for them. We do visit them by maintaining social distance and precaution and call their family, to know about their situation. Also, we conduct online classes, so that children will not get boar at home and keep in touch with us or do not forget Maitri-Griha and our family environment between staff and children.
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Online virtual class | Home visit and school material delivery |
Covid 19 relief packages to Children’s Family and Maitri-Griha staff
During pandemic period Maitri-Griha has supported lots of family’s, directly or indirectly more than hundreds of families were benefited from our support .It was our great luck that all our sponsors, friends and well-wisher have supported us in this critical situation. It affected the whole world but country like Nepal was badly effected where more people are living under poverty and difficult to reach the hand of government due to limited resource of the country.
Pandemic has affected to our Maitri-Griha as well. All the children’s family became a job less due to a pandemic and we help them with some relief packages, we know that we cannot solve their entire problem but it can help them in somehow, our small help can bring a smile in the family of children and as mentioned above this sack of rice was giving big hope for the people. So, due to your help and many of well-wishers support we could distribute relief packages to the children’s family, staff and other needy people.
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Roof Top Construction
In February 2020, we initiated to construct top floor of Maitri-Griha, as per the Government rule, it was the final year to complete it or to extend with extra cost, as well to have bigger space for the children to play and to have extra room for the Physio room. We started this construction project with the support of e.v Germany, Kinder van Kathmandu, TAI Foundacion and many other organizations and well-wisher. Sadly, it could not be completed as in March everything went wrong, because of Corona Virus Pandemic. We just finished the top slab due to a lack of budget, it was not possible to raise required fund due to corona virus all over the world. We are sad, the building cannot be completed but happy, our sponsors, donors and all of ours friends and well-wisher are safe in this crisis.
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Help for the Needy People (Food Package Program)
Daily Wage Earner
After March lockdown in Nepal, there were many people calling us for help. They were daily wages earning people. These people work whole day, so that they can buy food for the next day. They have no saving at all. One or two day off from work is no food for them and their children. We visited some of the people who were calling us for help. It was really sad condition, there were no food at their home, just a bit of hope, if someone will help them. Luckily, we have helping hands from you all, so that we could distribute rice and dal to them. There are many stories we have heard and many sad conditions that we have seen.
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Purna Tamang (Paralysis)
Purna Tamang is a 48 years old man. His left part of body is Paralyze. He is unable to walk and work and he is taking care by his old father age of 78 years. He migrates from Sindhupalchok. Which was badly affected by earthquake in 2015. He lost his home and some relatives. After that he moved to Kathmandu in search of job. He found a job in construction area and from this job he used to look his father and himself but unfortunately in the year 2019 he fell down from roof while working and later he came to know that his left part is paralyses. He asked for the help and during six months of lockdown we support him.
Kumari Shrestha
Kumari Shrestha lives alone, she is 68 years old. She doesn’t have any family members. She runs a basket shop (street vendor) at the edge of footpath and used to sell Water, Cigarette, Candy to the street walking people. From this she used to run her life but due to a lockdown she lost her job. Her daily earning was so low that some time, it became her harder to eat a one day meal. So, we can understand that how hard time for her this lockdown was. While taking a food packages we found a smile on her face.
Sanasari Maya Tamang
She is a 52 years old woman from Sindhuli, she lives in Jorpati, Besigaun. She lives alone, she doesn’t have any family members to look her. Her son died at the age of 25 years old who was taking care of her and after the death of her son, she started to beg in the street and in this way she used to run her daily life. But due to a corona virus and lockdown it changes in her daily life and day by day it became a harder for her to survive. She used to run her life by begging but once the lockdown and corona 19 started infecting people. People were not helping her, as a beggar life, people will not even come close to her having fear that she has been infected with virus and people may get infected. So, we found her in the street and later deliver her package of rice, cooking oil and Kerosene to cook food.
Finally, thank you for your great help. Without your generous support, we would not be able to help all those needy people. This year 2020 was really hard time for all of us. Your trust on us and our dedication on project and strong bond between us, have really made big and very important support for the people in this hard time.
As soon the Corona virus is under control, we hope, we will be able to run our day care center and welcome our children. It will take long time and long procedure until everything gets normal. Our children from Maitri Griha are at home for very long time. It will be very challenging job for us to bring them again to Maitri Griha and manage as like before. We do hope, it will happen very soon.
We do really appreciate your support for the project, your great support motivates us to work harder and we give our best to keep this project alive. Once again for you all, from the bottom of our heart, “THANK YOU”.
We would like to thank all Institutions, organizations, sponsors, well-wishers, volunteers and friends of “Maitri-Griha” for your support and co-operation during this pandemic. We need your love and support further in coming days.
Maitri Griha
Gokarneshwor-9, Aarubari, Kathmandu, Nepal, G.P.O Box: 23741
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